Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 29th 2010

My name is Reinaldo and I live in Bayamon, Puerto Rico. It's a small island but in the last few months there have been reports of people missing and or being killed, the papers say there's a new breed of cannibal killers going around the island and that the police are dealing with it. I'm pretty freaked out about it specially since it's been happening right next to my house.

Today I woke up to the sounds of police sirens and blue and red lights flashing through my window, everyone in the neighborhood was out just staring at what had happened. My neighbor (a drug addicted, middle aged man that had no real direction in life, he harassed my family and my mother a lot of times) was found dead in front of his house with his guts splattered around his front porch. I'm not the one to judge but man, that's a horrible way to die. He was a horrible person but no one deserves to die like that, after a few hours the police told everyone to go back into their houses, took the body, closed the house with the tape that says "Keep out" and have had the house under constant surveillance.

These murder sprees are starting to get to me, almost no one wants to go out anymore and I can understand why, I mean it happened right next to me, I could be next... the more I think about a cannibal just rushing through my house just wanting to kill us with nothing to stop him just freaks me out, I mean it would freak anyone out right? Well that's all that's been happening for now I'll keep you guys on a constant notice on what's going on.

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